Navigating the hospitality sector: Insights from CiC's engagement

CiC is deeply engaged with the hospitality industry, offering substantial support to a range of organisations in this sector for over a decade. As the industry faces unique stressors that have been amplified by the challenges of recent times, CiC has been at the forefront, providing tailored solutions to individuals and businesses.

In this article, we delve into the profound insights our counsellors have gleaned from their interactions with individuals in the hospitality sector.

Unveiling sector realities

Within this vibrant industry, a significant portion of individuals are from working-class backgrounds, grappling with economic and mental challenges intensified by the scarcity of support systems, educational opportunities, and access to professional services. The pandemic cast a harsh light on these difficulties, exacerbating financial hardships.

Through exploration of their experiences, it’s evident that many bear the weight of complex traumas that significantly impact their overall wellbeing and workplace performance. This places a considerable strain on hospitality management that may also be grappling with similar concerns.

Our data indicates that stress, anxiety, and depression are significant concerns for the hospitality industry, with 44% of hospitality workers feeling isolated without anyone to discuss their mental health at work. A significant 59% say they have never had any mental health awareness training so there are certainly opportunities to better support hospitality worker’s mental health at work.

Our extensive engagement with over 500,000 industry employees and nearly 8,000 employees in need of support with issues such as anxiety, sleep disruption and depression in the last year, has highlighted the situation further.

Common challenges and underlying traumas

The scope of our interactions spans a range of issues, from substance abuse and alcohol-related concerns to instances of self-harm, suicidal tendencies, and workplace-related assaults. Delving deeper, it’s apparent that many individuals carry the scars of complex childhood traumas and neglect, further compounding their present struggles.

Particularly in the lower-tier hotel sector, another layer of trauma emerges, stemming from the heartrending reality of employees encountering guests who end their lives on the premises or providing shelter to homeless individuals grappling with intricate mental health challenges. Our counsellors have observed a stark lack of industry awareness about the profound impact of traumatic events on individuals, hindering the establishment of measures to prevent re-traumatization among affected employees when faced with subsequent events.

Aiding transformation: Our approach

In response, our helpline and Case Management team offer a safe haven for these individuals to share their experiences, a space where their stories are genuinely heard. We focus on educating them about the manifestations of trauma in the body, helping them recognise and understand its effects.

Working closely with each individual, our counsellors delve into uncharted territories, exploring the support they require, often uncovering needs they hadn’t previously considered or expressed. Leveraging our expertise, we bridge social gaps, empowering them to make informed decisions and providing them with the tools to engage with their GP or mental health teams effectively.

Contact us today for more on how our wellbeing services can be customised to your hospitality business

Empowering managers and organisations

Beyond individual support, CiC facilitates regular training sessions for managers within organisations, equipping them to manage critical incidents internally. This training not only enlightens managers about how our services can aid their teams but also educates them on the manifestations of PTSD and signs of distress to watch out for in their employees.

We are also able to provide stress audits and resilience training. Find out more about our stress and resilience support services.

Using the knowledge and experience we have gained whilst working with the hospitality industry, we are able to tailor solutions that are proven to work in these specific roles and the particular challenges faced by employees working within this often challenging environment.

In the hospitality industry, CiC emerges as valuable support, addressing the unique challenges this industry faces with a comprehensive and empathetic approach. Our involvement extends beyond the immediate, empowering individuals and organisations alike to foster a resilient, compassionate, and thriving work environment.

Mediation: navigating conflict in the hospitality industry

Conflict is inherent in many industries, but managing it is a pivotal way hospitality businesses can retain productive staff members. Our mediation services safeguard the industry’s collaborative spirit by adeptly resolving differences arising from personalities, work styles, and goals. Organisations can avoid grievances and disruptions by engaging our impartial, confidential, and skilful mediators. Our mediation service contributes to a harmonious workplace, ultimately benefiting customer experience.

Contact CiC about the wellbeing services we can provide to your hospitality business